Better Call Paul! was inspired by the Better Call Saul! site AMC created to add depth to the Breaking Bad experience.

Here they are, side by side:

Better Call PBetter Call S

We loved Breaking Bad. We were excited when the producers announced a spin-off starring our favorite TV lawyer, Saul Goodman, played by Bob Odenkirk.

Like everyone else, I get ideas from reading books and magazines, watching movies and TV shows, hunting for novelty on the web, and talking to people. Beer helps, too.

Internet marketing, like law, can be a crooked business. Internet marketing has greedy founders, hack marketers, hack writers, hack designers, and hack developers.  Law has greedy hacks and crooked lawyers. Frauds and snake oil salesmen aren’t the only ones giving us a bad name. Noobs scaling abusive tactics, building businesses based on bullshit and ruining their clients’ reputations online do damage, too.

As overblown and ridiculous as Better Call Paul! is, the reality of the “SEO industry” is that this is how most agencies pitch their services.

Better Call Paul! is a send up of the “fake SEO industry” I talked about in my response to Matt Cutts’ recent FUD campaign against guest blogging.

It’s a parody.

If you call yourself an SEO and you’re still using the tactics depicted on the page, please stop. Instead write things worth reading, do things worth following, make things worth writing about, and make sure Google can crawl your websites.

Because everything else is bullshit.