social media goals for 2020 | clicks and clients

We are into the third month of the year, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t create new goals for yourself. In fact, so much of the year is left so take advantage of this time of year. Social media has become imbibed in our everyday life. However, in terms of digital marketing many of us have yet to reach our full potential usage. The reason for this is not exploring all of the features on social media. It has become more than a platform for posting; it is a lifestyle. So, in honor of the still fresh new decade, here are a couple social media goals to keep you accountable.


Selling on Social Media

I brought this up in a former blog post, and it is still the most effective way to sell your product.

Why?: Your core audience is on these social media platforms. They can find the items they like and directly purchase them. This ensures instantaneous profit. Not to mention that even people outside of your audience pool can reach your product easier.

How?: Instagram Checkout is an excellent way to allow consumers to buy products right off your page. It is as easy as tagging your product or service on the page.


Utilize AR

This was made popular by Snapchat, but is relevant in almost every social media platform. TikTok and Instagram also utilize this filter.

Why?: It allows your audience to try out the product, service, or filter associated with your brand. It gives them an option to experience your brand without a committed purchase. In the long run, it builds consumer support.

How?: Create filters for your consumers to check out your product. You can also use geotagging as a form of AR. It is a great way to expand your audience. The key is to have a unique form of AR for your business. It allows your business to be easily recognizable to your audience.


Cater to the Algorithms

If you understand what each platform favors, then your account will be extremely successful.

Why?: Understanding the rules of each platform enables you to post content that will be boosted. The key to social media is knowing how to appeal to your followers and to the algorithm. Getting content taken down or flagged is a good way to lose credibility in the eyes of your audience.

How?: Do research! Researching is key to understanding what works not only for the platform but also for your type of business. A tip to utilize for video content. Social media platforms are known to boost this content more heavily than other types of organic content. Get creative with short videos you can post on your platform. This can include broadcasting, demonstrations, and other video forms. 

There are a multitude of goals to set for social media. It is dominating in digital marketing, so there is always something to improve upon. Already hit these goals and want more? Check this site for more ways to improve your social media game.