Hey folks Austin here and it’s time for another Weekly SEO Recap (That Worked As Planned Edition).

What happens if you Google SEO? You get all the latest SEO articles Google thinks are relevant to your search. But are they relevant to you? Let me be the judge of that and help you cut to the chase.

SEO 101, Part 8: Content Optimization

by: +Jill Kocher

There are a lot of “how to” articles for beginners out there but Kocher has really don’t her homework.  What’s really nice is I haven’t seen to many content optimization articles for beginners out there.  Usually a beginners article talks about keywords and local SEO, which Kocher does in early parts of her SEO 101 series, but I’m glad she started talking about content optimization.  If you’re a beginner this series of articles should be able to help you scratch the surface.


– Easy to understand

– Different angle for beginners

– Could have used some example pics

Overall: Skim It

7 Objections Against SEO (And Why They Aren’t True)

by: @John Rampton

I usually like to stay away from SEO articles from major publications because they’re always so basic, and to be honest boring to SEO with 2+ years of experience.  That doesn’t apply to this article from Rampton who tackles some of the most common objections to SEO.  Many of the topics covered are questions SEOs have had to answer with potential clients, so brush up on your responses with this article.


– Covers many good objections

– Good links to back up answers

– Some answers a little too short and could use some fleshing out

Overall: Skim It


Google Webmaster Tools Just Got a lot More Important for Link Discovery and Cleanup

by: Robert Fisher

Finding good link is a lot harder than getting rid of bad links, but lets be honest that link clean-up still sucks.  There are a lot of tools to help you figure out what links are hurting your website but using Google Webmaster Tools is more important than ever.  One direction many people don’t think of when using Google Webmaster Tools for is for link building purposes.  Fisher offers a lot of good insights and ideas on how to improve your backlink profile that you might not have thought of, so check it out.


– Good examples with new tools

– History of the problem


– A tad long.

Overall: Read It