Hey folks Austin here with another round of our Weekly SEO Recap!

What happens if you Google SEO?  You get all the latest SEO articles that Google thinks is relevant to your search……but are they relevant to you?  Let me be the judge of that and help you cut to the chase.

2014 SEO Playbook:

The 2014 SEO Playbook written by Tom Schmitz over at Search Engine Land has decided to compile a philosophy for the world of internet marketing.  The world of SEO has been hounded by Google’s Hummingbird, and internet marketers are wondering what they need to do to stay alive.



–          Good content creation Insights

–          Easy to read layout

–           Some actionable steps


–          Nothing you haven’t heard before.

Overall: Skim it or Skip it



Matt Cutts Talks Responsive Design Impact on SEO

Every SEO who knows anything about the internet knows who Matt Cutts is, and what he does.  If you don’t complete task before continuing.

Task: *Hit Hand to Head*

You’re back good.  Now this article is mostly a recap and commentary on what Matt has to say about websites that rescale themselves depending on what type of browser it is being viewed on.  The short of it is anything Matt Cutts has to say is important, but you have to be able to read between the lines, which this article does not do.  When Matt talks he usually does so from a Google Algorithm perspective, and he doesn’t always give you additional information from a consumer purchasing perspective.  So I highly suggest watching this because of the importance of what Matt Cutts has to say, but you might be able to find a better article that helps you read between the lines.


–          Matt Cutts talks responsive design websites


–          Doesn’t help you read between the lines

–           No actionable steps

–           Pretty crappy commentary

Overall: Find a better article w

ith commentary on what Matt Cutts said.


How to evaluate and overhaul your SEO strategy

Sometimes SEOs run into small little problems that they just can’t figure out its source.  Was it something I did?  Was it something new in the algorithm?  Whatever the source of the problem it can be daunting to have to start back at square one after realizing that your checks and balances missed something.  What is an SEO to do?  Well that were Jayson DeMers offers his approach to doing a self-evaluating audit.

–          New approach to something we all have to do

–           Step-by-step audit instructions

–           Additional article resources for further study


–          Actionable steps could use a little more explanation

–           No pictures to help guide the audit walkthrough

Overall: Worth reading to compare notes



9,000 Unique in One Day: A Viral Marketing Case Study

I love case studies because it completely opens up the conversation to everyone by forking over the data and letting us SEOs do what we do best; collect data, analyze data, and turn data into actionable steps.  The other thing I love to learn about is how to make things go viral, because if you get something viral you basically do a year of work in a month.  So that’s what makes this case study kind of sad is because it’s more of a history lesson than the meat and potatoes of success.  But even with its faults I still think that the case study is worth a skim because there are a few nuggets.


–          Case Study

–           Learn from his mistakes made


–          Actionable steps a little hard to follow

–           Long history lesson

–           Hard to follow in areas

Overall: Worth a quick skim through.